Dimah Habash has 38 years research experience in physiological and genetic
factors defining multigenic complex traits such as nitrogen and water use in
wheat. Areas of expertise focus on nitrogen metabolism, senescence and
remobilisation of assimilate in response to environmental stress. Studies
integrate physiological, genetic, genomic and biochemical approaches. She
has co-ordinated multidisciplinary EU projects on nitrogen use
(EUFV SUSTAIN) and water use (EUFVI TRITIMED) in wheat. She has international collaborations with CGIAR centre ICARDA and
built networks with plant science research centres in the Mediterranean
region. She has worked at Rothamsted Research after a doctoral degree from the University of Essex in plant physiology with Neil Baker and Stephen Long. She is an Associate Editor of
Plant Nutrition in Frontiers in Plant Science. Publications in Google Scholar. ORCID 0000-0003-2222-4825
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Advisory Board
Kellye Eversole, President Eversole Associates, Bethesda USA; Executive Director, IWGSC. Miloudi Nachit, Principal Wheat Geneticist, BIGMP, CGIAR-ICARDA, Rabat, Morocco.